Our Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

VFI believes that success entails more than just financial accomplishments; it also includes ethical business practices, environmental sustainability, and active contributions to the well-being of our communities. Our CSR strategy demonstrates our dedication to incorporating social and environmental concerns into our business operations, ensuring that we not only exceed legal requirements but also go above and beyond to make a meaningful and lasting impact.

The following are the focus areas of the Company’s CSR programme:
1. Education, Training and Skill Development:
We provide training and development, ensure fair compensation and benefits, and promote diversity and inclusion to cultivate a culture of creativity and excellence among our employees.
2. Healthcare and Sanitation:
We prioritise healthcare and sanitation as part of our commitment to community well-being. We demonstrate our commitment to positively impacting public health, building healthier communities, and contributing to sustainable development by incorporating healthcare and sanitation within our CSR activities.
3. Ensuring environmental sustainability and balance
: Our dedication to environmental sustainability is built into every aspect of our business. We prioritize responsible resource use, pollution reduction, and biodiversity preservation. We support sustainability practices, involve communities in environmental awareness, and closely comply with legislation in collaboration with our supply chain partners. We try to minimise our ecological footprint while creating a healthy and harmonious relationship with the environment for the well-being of current and future generations.
4. Employee Welfare:
We take care of our employees’ welfare and rights and in doing so, we educate them about their rights and help them practise those rights.
5. Community Development:
We support the social and economic development of the communities where we operate, contributing to charitable causes, creating employment opportunities, and respecting human rights.
6. Ethical Business Practise:
Maintaining ethical and responsible business practices, we aim to prevent corruption, fraud, and unfair competition, respecting intellectual property rights, and adhering to the applicable laws and regulations.

This CSR Policy reflects our commitment to creating a positive and sustainable impact on society.
By integrating CSR into our business strategy, we aim to contribute to the betterment of the communities we serve and the preservation of our environment.

Code of Conduct

The VFI Group Code of Conduct policy represents our beliefs, ethics and responsibility to our employees, customers, associates, community and environment. We intend to follow and set an example of integrity, responsibility, unity, and quality in our actions through this policy.

Our Employees

1. Equal Opportunity: We guarantee our employees fair working conditions, equitable wages, comprehensive health and safety measures, as well as the freedom to associate and engage in collective bargaining.

2. Human Rights: At VFI Group, we are committed to upholding human rights responsibilities and safeguarding the well-being of our employees and all those connected to our organization.Throughout our operations and supply chains, we prioritize the protection and respect of human rights for our employees, customers, communities, and the environment.

3. Labour Rights: We guarantee our employees their labour rights and ensure to guide them to know, understand and practise those rights to safeguard their employment and their wellbeing. We actively prevent and address instances of forced labour, child labour, discrimination, harassment, and exploitation within our workplaces and supply chains.

3.1. Forced Labour and Child Labour Prevention: We prioritise human rights protection and respect for all of our employees, with special attention paid to the most vulnerable, such as migrant workers, women, and children. We are committed to preventing and prohibiting all forms of human rights breaches, particularly forced work and child labour.

Recognising that forced labour and child labour not only violate fundamental human rights but also impede social and economic growth, we recognise the negative impact on workers and their families dignity, health, and well-being. As a responsible manufacturer, we take proactive  actions to avoid and address any instances of forced labour and child labour throughout our operations and supply networks.

3.2. Conducting Due Diligence: We are constantly identifying, assessing, and monitoring possible or actual risks of forced labour and child labour in our operations or supply networks. To prevent any misconduct or violation of rights, we implement efforts to prevent, reduce, or correct any adverse impacts.

3.3. Adopting policies and standards: We adopt and communicate clear policies and standards that prohibit forced labour and child labour in our operations or supply chains.

3.4. Training and Awareness: The VFI Group educates and trains employees, managers, suppliers, contractors, and other stakeholders on the importance of human rights and the prevention of forced labour and child labour. We take the initiative to educate our employees and communities on their rights and duties.

3.5. Providing grievance mechanisms: We provide accessible and effective grievance methods for our employees and other stakeholders to register any complaints or concerns about forced labour and child labour. We also investigate and settle any complaints in a timely and equitable manner.

3.6. Reporting and disclosure: We report and disclose our policies, practices, performance, and progress on preventing and addressing forced labour and child labour in our operations or supply chains. We also engage with your stakeholders on our efforts and challenges. By fulfilling our social responsibility towards forced labour prevention and child labour, we protect the human rights of our workers and ensure to enhance the sustainability, competitiveness, and reputation of our business.

Our customers
Ensuring the rights of our customers, we ensure the quality and safety of the products, complying with the relevant standards and regulations, and providing accurate and transparent information to the customers. 
We guarantee the safety, quality, and compliance of our products with relevant standards and regulations. We are committed to providing consumers with precise and transparent information about our products, including details such as ingredients, origin, price, warranty, and more.
Additionally, we highly value and uphold consumer’s privacy and data protection rights.

Our Environment

We also have a responsibility to protect the health and safety of our workers, customers, and communities. That’s why we comply with the relevant Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policies in India that apply to your business.
1. Community: We uphold the rights and interests of the communities where we operate or source materials, including indigenous peoples, farmers, women, children, and more. Our commitment extends to contributing to the social and economic development of these communities by generating employment opportunities, supporting local initiatives, fulfilling tax obligations, and more. Additionally, we actively engage and consult with stakeholders to address any issues that may impact them.
2. Environment: To reduce our environmental impact and carbon footprint, we adhere to both domestic and international laws and regulations, as well as internal protocols, at every stage of our operations. This commitment spans from research and development to production processes, resource utilization, waste management, and emissions control. Our objective is to proactively prevent and mitigate any adverse effects on the environment or human health resulting from our activities or products, including but not limited to pollution, contamination, or accidents.

Through this Code of Conduct, we encourage our employees, customers and associates to follow the guidelines and to raise concerns, if they come across a violation of the Code on Conduct mentioned in our policy.
